Active Launceston is proudly managed by Healthy Tasmania Pty Ltd. To find out more about Healthy Tasmania click here
Hayden Fox created the event Bike Week: Children’s Bike Week Storytime – Play and Ride
Hayden Fox created the event Bike Week: Bike Maintenance Workshop
Hayden Fox created the event Bike Week: St.LukesHealth Community Ride
Hayden Fox created the event GREAT LONNIE STOMP
Hayden Fox created the event Active Launceston: Active and Alive
Hayden Fox created the event Fitbit Cardio Tennis
Hayden Foxcreated the group Prima Spada Fencing
Hayden Foxcreated the group Football Federation Tasmania
Hayden Foxcreated the group Gymbaroo Launceston
Hayden Foxcreated the group Revolution Paintball
Hayden Foxcreated the group Hollybank Treetops Adventures and Segway Tours
Hayden Foxcreated the group Penny Royal World
Hayden Foxcreated the group Pulmonary Rehabilitation at UTAS
Hayden Foxcreated the group Cardiac Rehabilitation at UTAS
Hayden Foxcreated the group Taiko Drums at PCYC
Hayden Foxcreated the group Northern Tasmania Softball Association
Hayden Foxcreated the group Northern Tasmania Netball Association
Hayden Foxcreated the group Hydrotherapy at JustSwim
Hayden Foxcreated the group Hot Body Yoga