On this page you will find information about lots of different activities that are happening in and around the Launceston region to help you stay active.
These are providers or organisations that we endorse as they reflect the goals and objectives of the Active Launceston project. Endorsement allows organisations to use to the ‘Active Launceston’ branding in the promotion of their event or initiative. Gaining Active Launceston endorsement will also allow events and initiatives to be promoted through Active Launceston programs and social media platforms.
Organisations can gain Active Launceston endorsement by completing an online application form. Click on the 'Endorsed Groups' heading for more.
Other groups and providers around Launceston
There are hundreds of organisations including sports clubs, fitness providers and centres, dance instructors, personal trainers and much much more all around Launceston and Tasmania's north. Using Google is one way to find what you are looking for but the Tasmanian Government (Department of Communities Tasmania, through Communities, Sport and Recreation) provides an excellence resource in the 'Get Active' books. These books provide many ideas for older adults to be active and social in their local area, whether it be gardening, playing golf or tennis, joining in aqua aerobics or playing scrabble. For more information on accessing a book, visit their website here.
If you are looking for something specific you can also use the 'Find Help Tas' platform which is designed to connect users with local community services. You can visit their website here