
Active Launceston is proudly managed by Healthy Tasmania Pty Ltd. To find out more about Healthy Tasmania click here

Gymbaroo Launceston

Gymbaroo Launceston

GymbaROO Launceston classes provide active and engaging movement opportunities that enable your toddler or pre-school aged child to explore, develop, practice and refine skills essential for healthy neurological development. The structured program is based on 30 years of research and development and is designed to ensure your child develops the essential foundations for school readiness. Classes run for 45 min (under 2 year olds) to 60 min (2+, 3, 4, & 5 year old groups). Classes are developmentally appropriate and loads of fun! CONTACT:, Facerbook; Gymbaroo Launceston. Ph: 0439 923 634, Email: The business is located at Newstead Church Hall, 125 Abbott St, Newstead 7250.


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