
Active Launceston is proudly managed by Healthy Tasmania Pty Ltd. To find out more about Healthy Tasmania click here

Sheik Charmers

Sheik Charmers

A local troupe of belly dancers who love to share their passion for Middle eastern dance. But forget any misconceptions you may have about belly dance! We are vibrant, fun, innovative and creative in our expression of the dance. We have been performing and teaching around Tasmania for the last 2 years, including Festivale 07 and 08, Penny Farthing Championships, Launceston Cup, TAP concert, Harmony day and the Utas multicultural Day. Our teaching covers both private and combined lessons and all ages and abilities. Our aim is to not only teach this dance but also make it as much fun as possible! 117 Hargrave Cr 7250 Launceston TAS Phone: 0409 551 795


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