Active Launceston is proudly managed by Healthy Tasmania Pty Ltd. To find out more about Healthy Tasmania click here
Stompin says Art/Youth/Community 4 ever Stompin creates an environment in which young people grow, as individuals and as citizens, through their connection with dance. Working with young people in a small regional community in Launceston, Tasmania, we develop artists, audiences and community through creating, curating and presenting unforgettable performance experiences. Unique to Australia, Stompin’s performance culture unites non-professional dancers with professional artists to create and present signature works in ordinary and extraordinary places. Stompin offer regular classes including: Beginners Contemporary (14+): Mondays 6pm to 7pm Intermediate Contemporary (14+): Mondays 7pm to 8.30pm Core and Flex (14+): Wednesdays 7-8pm Young Contemporary (10-14): Thursdays 4-5pm For more information, or to enrol please contact Emma Porteus on 03 6334 3802