
Active Launceston is proudly managed by Healthy Tasmania Pty Ltd. To find out more about Healthy Tasmania click here

North Esk Dragon Boat Club Inc

North Esk Dragon Boat Club Inc

A beginners paddle is held every Tuedsay night, 5:00 - 5:15 pm to be on the water by 5:30 pm, at the North Esk Rowing Club Rooms, Lindsay Street. This is a easier and gentle paddle, great if you are just learning how to do it. Sports Paddling is every Thursday night, 5:00 - 5:15 pm to be on the water by 5:30 pm, at the North Esk Rowing Club Rooms, Lindsay Street. This is a harder paddle, so only experienced paddlers please We also paddle every Saturday morning, aiming to be on the water by 9:00 am, so be down at the Club rooms by 8:30 - 8:45 am please, for a harder paddle. An easier paddle (or for those who may like to sleep in) is held directly after at about 10:00 am, so be there at about 9:45 am to get organised and signed in. CONTACT: OR

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